Mobilizing the right resources: Who and how much?

VC activitiesProbably the most important but least understood aspect of a successful innovative business model is the identification and mobilization of the required entrepreneurial talent and expertise. Too often firms decide first to launch a project and then try to staff and link it with whoever is available, that is in many cases not the right people or partners.

Fig_4_13The hidden secret behind the failures of many innovative ventures is not bad technologies but bad governance, with the wrong people taking the wrong decisions or failing to take any decisions at all.

Fig_4_14The easiest way to waste an innovation opportunity is to underestimate the financial resources required over time to support the launch and growth of a sustainable business model. Great innovations are never overnight successes.


Entrepreneurial talent and expertise: Who does what?

Keywords: make or buy, scalability, entrepreneurial team, human capital, human resources, venture team

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Governance: Who decides what?

Keywords: board, corporate governance, governance, organizational structure, upper echelon

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How much? Financial resources

Keywords: barriers to entry, break-even, cannibalization, financial metrics, payback, valley of death

(c) Prof. Benoit Gailly, Louvain School of Management

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