Identify the sources of innovations: beyond R&D

Fig_3_1R&D is not enough. Significant R&D spending might be necessary for some firms to develop new technologies but certainly does not guarantee their innovation success. Identifying innovation opportunities requires learning about new combinations of new or existing technologies with new or existing needs.

Fig_3_2The triggers of innovation opportunities which firms should proactively exploit include internal sources such as new knowledge, challenging routines and serendipity, and external sources such as changes in markets, industry and environmental constraints.

Fig_3_4Sizeable innovation opportunities do not pop up out of the blue. Organizations must invest time and resources to combine, integrate and mature innovation ideas into potential opportunities. They should also pursue already emerging opportunities and focus on scaling them up.


R&D is not enough

Keywords: market pull, R&D as a source of innovation, technology, technology push

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Triggers of innovation opportunities: beyond new tech

Keywords: accidental discoveries, bottom of the pyramid, reverse innovation, serendipity, sources of innovation

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From generating ideas to identifying sizeable innovation opportunities

Keywords: economics of science, opportunity sourcing, technology readiness level, technology transfer, university spin-offs

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(c) Prof. Benoit Gailly, Louvain School of Management

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