Foster organizational learning: beyond ideation

learningOrganizational learning is about growing the intellectual capital of the firm across its people and teams, mobilizing problem-driven, opportunistic and systematic search behaviors.

Fig_3_7To uncover potential innovation opportunities and foster creativity, organizations and employees need to learn how to generate ideas by thinking in new boxes, challenging their prevailing mental models and “reinventing new wheels”.

Fig_3_8Employees can be a rich source of innovation ideas, provided that goals and expectations as well as coaching, selection, follow-up and feedback processes are carefully managed. Even in the best organizations most ideas end up being rejected. What matters most is what actually does happen the day after the “ideation” events.

Fig_3_9Organizations must decide when and where to build new technology platforms – deploy an R&D strategy – but also how to develop those technology platforms over time in terms of investments, geographic scope and governance – manage R&D operations.


Organizational learning: growing intellectual capital

Keywords: benchmarks, communities of practice, creative industries, double-loop learning, institutional search, intellectual capital, organisational learning, problemistic search, slack, social capital

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Idea generation: Thinking in new boxes

Keywords: accommodation, assimilation, association, brainstorming, cognitive dissonance, creativity, framing, gamification, idea generation, lateral thinking, mental models, patterns, problematization, reframing, TRIZ

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Fostering employee-driven innovation

Keywords: business plan competition, challenges, employee-driven innovation, idea boxes, ideation, slack search

  • (Book) Høyrup, S. (2012) Employee-driven innovation: a new phenomenon, concept and mode of innovation. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
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  • (Video) Fostering creativity and innovation in the workplace: Jude Reggett at TEDxNorthernSydneyInstitute
  • (Article) Artto, K., Kulvik, I., Poskela, J., & Turkulainen, V. (2011). The integrative role of the project management office in the front end of innovation. International Journal of Project Management, 29(4), 408-421.
  • (Article) Axtell, C. M., Holman, D. J., Unsworth, K. L., Wall, T. D., Waterson, P. E., & Harrington, E. (2000). Shopfloor innovation: Facilitating the suggestion and implementation of ideas. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 73(3), 265-285
  • (Article) Bernstein, B., & Singh, P. J. (2006). An integrated innovation process model based on practices of Australian biotechnology firms. Technovation, 26(5-6), 561-572.
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  • (Article) Martinez, M. (2015). Solver engagement in knowledge sharing in crowdsourcing communities: Exploring the link to creativity. Research Policy, 44, 1419-1430.
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  • (Article) Rigtering, J. C., Weitzel, G. U., & Muehlfeld, K. K. (2018). Increasing quantity without compromising quality: How managerial framing affects intrapreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 34(2), 224-241.
  • (Article) Shah, J. J., Smith, S. M., & Vargas-Hernandez, N. (2003). Metrics for measuring ideation effectiveness. Design Studies, 24(2), 111-134.
  • (Article) Siggelkow, N., & Rivkin, J. W. (2006). When exploration backfires: Unintended consequences of multilevel organizational search. Academy of Management Journal, 49(4), 779-795.
  • (Article) Tierney, P., & Farmer, S. M. (2002). Creative self-efficacy: Its potential antecedents and relationship to creative performance. Academy of Management Journal, 45(6), 1137-1148.
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Developing new technology platforms

Keywords: R&D definition, R&D expenditures, R&D location, R&D management, R&D performance, technology platforms

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(c) Prof. Benoit Gailly, Louvain School of Management

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