Encourage people to innovate: corporate entrepreneurs

DIO201 cmjnInnovation is made by people. But innovators are not natural born entrepreneurs. They are not lone heroes creating single-handedly revolutionary products. They are ordinary people, often within existing firms, who decide to change things and are ready to cope with the resulting uncertainties.

Fig 3_2Corporate entrepreneurs do not plan, do, check and act like traditional managers. They focus on finding and mobilizing available resources in order to identify, assess and launch new initiatives, while adjusting goals and expectations along the way.

DIO204 cmjnEntrepreneurial intentions and behaviors can be managed and fostered. Tolerance for failure, reward systems, role models and norms, as well as skill development and slack resources can create the right attitudes, norms and perceptions.


Entrepreneurs – made not born

Keywords: entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, locus of control, need for achievement, personality, risk-taking, role model

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  • (Video) Kirzner on Entrepreneurship
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Corporate entrepreneurs and managers

Keywords: bricolage, corporate entrepreneurship, effectuation, entrepreneurial activities, innovation champions

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Drivers of entrepreneurial intentions and behaviors

Keywords: attitude, drivers of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial skills, incentive, intentions, loss aversion, motivation, necessity entrepreneurship, rewards, sense of urgency, subjective norms, tolerance for failure

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(c) Prof. Benoit Gailly, Louvain School of Management

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