Innovation as a process: beyond ideation

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Most people resist change. As a consequence, the main job of an innovator will be to drive adoption, by convincing people and organizations to disrupt their routines.c DIO106+

Driving adoption means demonstrating to key stakeholders that disrupting the status quo is worth it and that adopting the innovation will bring significant perceived benefits.Fig_1_7

Driving adoption also means convincing key stakeholders that adopting new routines will be neither too difficult nor too risky, and that they and others can easily make it happen.Fig_1_8


Resistance to change: disrupting routines

Keywords: human fear, inertia, job destruction, organizational routines, , path dependency, precautionary principle, resistance to change, responsible innovation, routines, technology assessment

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Drivers of adoption: make it worth it

Keywords: adoption, bandwagon, diffusion, emergence, marketing of innovation, perceived benefits, social contagion, technology foresight

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Drivers of adoption: make it easy

Keywords: adoption hurdles, adoption engineering, compatibility, complexity, cultural ambience, influencer, observability, product lifecycle, public sector innovation, skeuomorphism, standardization, switching costs, triability

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(c) Prof. Benoit Gailly, Louvain School of Management

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