Innovation as a business: more than creativity

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Innovation means much more than invention. Managing innovation means managing both newness and change, and the latter often matters the most.

Fig_1_3 copNewness is relative. What is today new (and valuable) to some manager, their organization or their environment might not be to others.


Innovation is about changing people’s perceptions and realities, combining many small steps and a few big betsFig_1_5


Innovation means much more than invention

Keywords: definition of innovation, innovation vs. creativity, innovation vs. invention, new combinations.

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  • (Book) Tidd, Joe, Bessant, John and Pavitt, Keith (2005) Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. 3rd edition. John Wiley.
  • (Video) IBM Innovation Man
  • (Video) Sesame Street: Paula Patton and Elmo – Innovation
  • (Video) Tom Kuczmarski – How to Ignite a Culture of Innovation
  • (Video) Gary Hamel, Management Innovation
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Newness is relative

Keywords: crossing the chasm, early adopters, liability of newness, newness is relative, novelty.

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  • (Video) Bath, W. Crossing the Chasm – Disruptive Innovation – Technology Adoption Life Cycle.
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  • (Article) Thornhill, S., & Amit, R. (2003). Learning about failure: Bankruptcy, firm age, and the resource-based view. Organization Science, 14(5), 497-509.
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  • (Article) Yayavaram, S., & Chen, W. (2015). ‘Changes in firm knowledge couplings and firm innovation performance: the moderating role of technological complexity’. Strategic Management Journal, 36, 377-396.

Many small steps and a few big bets

Keywords: architectural innovation, continuous improvement, dominant design, incremental vs. radical innovations, operational effectiveness, paradigms.

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  • (Video) What is innovation? de Rafa Galeano (on Vimeo)
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(c) Prof. Benoit Gailly, Louvain School of Management

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