L’or caché des pirates ?
Vous avez certainement déjà entendu parler de “Games of Thrones”. C’est la série télé la plus populaire du moment. …
Paul Belleflamme is professor at UCLouvain. He is attached to the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) and to the Louvain School of Management (LSM), where he teaches courses in the fields of Industrial Organization, with a special focus on the digital economy. Read more
Paul Belleflamme is professor at UCLouvain. He is attached to the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) and to the Louvain School of Management (LSM), where he teaches courses in the fields of Industrial Organization, with a special focus on the digital economy. Read more
Vous avez certainement déjà entendu parler de “Games of Thrones”. C’est la série télé la plus populaire du moment. …
“Know Thy Customers!” This is the very first motto of marketing. The idea behind this motto is simple: the …
I have been willing to devote a blog post to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) for quite some …
This post is the second of a series of three posts written by Julien Jacqmin. Julien Jacqmin is a PhD student …
This post is the third of a series of three posts written by Julien Jacqmin. Julien Jacqmin is a PhD student …
J’ai donné hier la leçon inaugurale de la Chaire Francqui que m’a accordée HEC-ULg. Le titre : “Les grandes …
(Updated in November 2014) As we have already argued a couple of times on this blog (see here and …
L’auteur de cet article est Xavier Vanwelde. Xavier est étudiant à la Louvain School of Management en Master 2 Ingénieur …
Il y a près de deux mois, je vous avais fait part de la “troublante ressemblance” que j’avais constatée …
For a few years now, Nike has been operating, in collaboration with Tomtom and Apple, a series of devices …