Friday 12 February 2010 – From: 13:45 To: 17:45
On 12 February, the Centre for Innovation and Intellectual Property of the Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis in Brussels (FUSL – Académie Louvain) , jointly with the Institute for European Legal Studies (IEJE) of the University of Liege (ULg), will hold in Brussels a half-day conference entitled “The Google Book Settlement – The Challenge of Building a Digital Library that Benefits All”. This conference intends to explore the whole range of legal issues – intellectual property, competition law, privacy, cultural policy , etc. – arising from the Google Book Settlement, and its impact in Europe.
The programme has been designed so as to reflect the breadth of opinions on this complex issue.
This conference has been credited for 3 CPD points (Brussels bar).
- Conference Programme
- “A Good Thing”or “A Bad Thing”? by Ian S. Forrester
- Class Actions, Copyright, Antitrust—or All of the Above? by James Grimmelmann
- Towards a TrueDigital Library? by Alain Strowel
- How fair is the Google Book Search Settlement? by Pamela Samuelson